Achievements & Awards

Professional Memberships & Certifications
- Association of Radiation Onocologist of India (AROI)
- European society of Medical Oncology(ESMO)
Travel grant and rewards
- Awarded for best oral presentation in RGCON, Delhi in 2010. ESMO preceptorship program on Immunotherapy of cancer, from the essentials of tumor immunology to clinical application, 30 Sep to 1 Oct 2016, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
- ESMO preceptorship program me on Colorectal cancer, multidisciplinary management, standard of care, and future perspectives, 6-7 July 2016, Prague, Czech Republic.
- ESMO preceptorship programme on Gastric cancer, multidisciplinary management, standard of care, therapeutic target and future perspectives, 13-14 nov 2015, Singapore
- ESMO preceptorship programme on Immunotherapy of cancer, from the essentials of tumourimmunonolgy to clinical application, 18-19 nov2015, Zurich, Switzerland
- ESMO preceptorship programme on Non small cell lung cancer, 15-16 dec 2015, Singapore.
- Travel grant in AACR-KCA Joint Conference on Precision Medicine in Solid Tumoursin15-17 Nov 2018, Seoul, South Korea.
- Travel grant in Advanced breast cancer fourth ESO-ESMO International Consensus Conference (ABC4) 2-4 Nov 2017, Lisbon, Portugal.
- Travel grant in 3rd ESO-ESMO Breast Cancer in Young Women International Conference (BCY3) 10-12 Nov 2016, Lugano, Switzerland
- Travel grant in ESMO preceptorship programme on Immunotherapy of cancer, from the essentials of tumor immunology to clinical application, 30 Sep to 1 Oct 2016, Amsterdam, Netherland.
- Travel grant in ESMO preceptorship programme on Colorectal cancer, 6-7 July 2016, Prague, Czech Republic.
- Travel grant in ESMO Translational research unit fellowship, 4-7 April 2016, Naples, Italy.
- Travel grant in ESMO preceptorship programme on Non small cell lung cancer, 15-16 dec 2015, Singapore.
- Travel grant in ESMO preceptorship programme on Immunotherapy of cancer, from the essentials of tumourimmunonolgy to clinical application, 18-19 nov 2015, Zurich, Switzerland
- Travel grant in ESMO Symposium on Immuno-Oncology 2015,20-21 Nov 2015, Laussane, Switzerland).
- Travel grant in ESMO preceptorship programme on Gastric cancer, multidisciplinary management, standard of care, therapeutic target and future perspectives, 13-14 Nov 2015, Singapore.
Research and Paper
- An in silico comparative dosimetric study of post-mastectomy loco-regional irradiation using intensity irradiation vs 3-dimensional conventional radiotherapy.
- Pooja Khullar, Charu Garg, Sujit Nath Sinha, Inderjit Kaur, Niloy Ranjan Datta. Med Dosim Jan 2018.
- A quantitative comparison of gross tumour volumes delineated on [18F]-FDG PET-CT scan and CECT scan in head and neck cancers.
- Venkada MG, Rawat S, Choudhury P, Rajesh T, Rao S, Khullar P, Kakria. Indian J Nucl Med.2012 Apr;27(2):95-100.
- Comparative Dosimeteric Evaluation of Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy versus Conventional Radiotherapy in Postoperative Radiotherapy of Cancer Breast.
- P Khullar, N R Datta., G Venkadamanickam., C Garg,S Sinha. J Nucl Med RadiatTher 2014,5:4. Resurrection of whole liver radiotherapy. S. Choudhary,S. Mitra, P.Khullar, U.Saxena,J Egyptian Nat Cancer Inst,2017.
- Brain Abscess Mimicking Brain Metastasis in Breast Cancer.P. Khullar, NR Datta, I.K.Wahi, S.Kataria. J Egyptian Nat Cancer Inst, 2015.
- Inflammatory breast cancer single centre experience from developing country. Pooja Khullar, Anil Thakwani, Kundan S Chufal. The Breast 2017, Volume 36, supplement 1, Page S 575.